Sunday, February 24, 2013

Parent Conference Reminder

Parents, don't forget this week is parent/teacher conference week!

Most of you have appointments on Tuesday morning, and a few have times at other times throughout the week. If for some reason we have not scheduled a time for you, let's do so soon!  Please do your best to be on time. Appointment times are very tight, and we have several things to discuss.

Thanks so much!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Donors Choose Project

Remember this post???

Well, yesterday we received a package of 22 brand-new, nonfiction books for our classroom!  These were thanks to the generous donations of people who logged on and gave to Donors Choose.

Thanks Donors Choose! : )

We are so excited to read our new books!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Just a reminder - spring pictures are tomorrow!

Be sure to wear something nice, be on time, and don't forget your smile!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Toothy Tuesday

We had TWO students to lose a tooth day!

Congratulations Azariah and Jacob!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Fresh Fruit and Veggie Grant

Each week PCES students receive fresh fruit and veggies as a snack, thanks to an awesome grant our cafeteria staff received.

Our students love this. Not only do we eat popular favorites, like strawberries and grapes, but we also get to try new and unusual things too! Last week students ate star fruit, and today we had apple pears.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Renaissance Home Connect

As many of you know, our school uses a program called Renaissance Place.  The feature you are probably most familiar with is Accelerated Reader (A.R.)  We also use this program for Math Facts in a Flash and our quarterly STAR testing.
What you are probably not as familiar with this program is a feature called Renaissance Home Connect.  It allows you to access information on your student, like test scores and progress towards A.R. goals  It even has a feature where you can receive instant emails showing your student’s quiz or test results  (Which means if you have a smart phone and receive email on your phone you get INSTANT results for each AR test your student takes!  No more waiting for weekly graded papers!)  I highly recommend you signing up for this!  : )
To try Renaissance Home Connect click this link and use the username and password your child was given last week.  (This maybe different from his/her username and password at school.) 
If your student has misplaced the information paper, fear not, I have an extra copy I can give you at conference time.  Thanks so much for making this such a great partnership!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

100 Days

CONGRATULATIONS Azariah, Montein, Kennedy, Eli, Makhi, La Taja, Elyse, Jacob, LaShanti, Jkorius, Gabe, Samara, Javious, Kamirria, Tatyana, Jani, Andrew, Brad, and Tamor!

You are 100 days smarter!