Rules and Procedures

Homework Folders
On the fifth day of our reading rotation, a classroom newsletter will go home in your child's binder.  This will detail dates for homework, tests, and projects, as well as give you an overview of what we are studying in class.  Some homework will be routine and daily:  math, reading log (20 minutes nightly), and spelling (tic tac toe board).  Papers are turned in daily in the black trays.  I check to see who has turned in homework each morning.  Assignments turned in late will have 5 points per day subtracted from the grade (if graded), as well as lowering the student’s conduct grade (one point per day late).
Missing Assignments:  Make-up work is your responsibility to complete and turn in.  It should be placed in the black trays.  You have TWO days to turn in new assignments from being absent.  If you are absent the day an assignment is due, it will be collected the day you return to school.
Student Planners- 3rd-5th
At the beginning of each day, students will copy their homework from the board into their planner.  The teacher will then initial it.  Parents, please check here for notes or messages.  This is also the place where you will be notified of your child’s behavior and the place for you to be made aware of any conduct points lost.  Each night, after the student completes his/her homework, a parent must initial or sign below the teacher.  If a parent/guardian fails to sign or initial, the student will lose one point off of their conduct grade.
Grading Policy
All classes will determine the grade of a student using the same policy.  The policy used for grading is as follows:
Major Grades – 65% of the final average
Minor Grades – 25% of the final average
Classwork/Homework Grades – 10% of the final average
*Major Grades will be tests, research papers, labs, book reports, and major essays.
Reading, Math, Language, Spelling -A minimum of 8 major grades will be recorded each 9 weeks. 
Science, Social Studies- A minimum of 5 major grades will be recorded each 9 weeks.
*Minor Grades will be quizzes, journals, and  all other assignments your student must complete from memory without the aid of text.  A minimum of 5 minor grades will be recorded each 9 weeks for all subjects in this category. 
*Classwork/Homework Grades will be any assignment that a student must complete in class or at home with the aid of text.  A minimum of 5 classwork/homework grades will be recorded each 9 weeks for all subjects in this category.
*Students will lose 5 points per assignment for failure to put their first and last name on their paper and failure to head their paper correctly.
Graded Papers
Graded papers are sent home each Tuesday.  The papers in the folder have been recorded in the grade book.  Do not remove any papers from the packet.  All papers must be returned to school.  Parents should review the graded papers and sign the top copy.  Any papers with a grade less than a C should also be signed.  All folders and papers should be returned on Wednesday.  For each day your signed graded papers are late, you will receive one point off of your conduct grade.
Student Behavior Expectations
1.  Students are to be respectful at all times.  This includes be respectful of other students, teachers, other adults, and being respectful of property.
2.  Students are to be responsible.  This includes using good judgment, being prepared for class with assignments and materials, exhibiting good manners, etc.
3.  Students are to be ready at all times.  This includes not only assignments and materials, but also being ready to listen and receive instruction.
Every choice you make has consequences, good or bad!
Positive Consequences:  Students will receive tickets for getting caught with good behavior and being on task.  Students should write their name on the back of the ticket and save it.  Students may then “buy” a reward of their choice; such as, fun pencils, treasure chest shopping, etc.  Our class as a whole may also be rewarded.
Negative Consequences:  Students have their own clothespin hanging in the classroom.  The first time a student breaks a rule, they will receive a verbal warning.  After that, they will move their pins from green, to yellow, to orange, and finally to red.  In your student’s planner you will be notified of any conduct points lost.  Continually breaking the rules will result in the progression of the school's behavior management plan.  Just as we may be rewarded as a class, we may also be punished as a class.  Class defiance may result in loss of privileges, loss of Friday recess, free time, etc.  For each conduct point lost throughout the week, the student will be required to sit out 5 minutes during Fun Friday. 
Class II and Class III offenses, as defined in the Phenix City Schools Code of Conduct, will be referred immediately to an administrator.  Class I disciplinary offenses (with the exception of dress code violations and unauthorized electronic devices) will be handled by the classroom teacher using the following progressive behavioral management plan.
1st Occurrence– Warning
2nd –Loss of conduct points
3rd – Removal from situation
4th – Loss of privileges
5th – Parent contact
6th – Office referral
K-2- plan will start over daily
3-5- plan will start over weekly
**Conduct point will be taken away for every step after warning
Electronic Devices – No electronic devices are allowed at school.  If a student has an electronic device visible or audible in the classroom, the teacher/staff member should take it up and turn it into the office where it will be logged and locked up until a parent/guardian picks it up.  When the electronic device is turned in, a referral will be written and turned in to an administrator.   After the 3rd occurrence, the electronic device will be kept by the principal until the end of the school year.
Dress Code – Please refer to guidelines in student handbook.
Restroom Policy
As a class we will use the restroom three-four times per day.  Students are encouraged to take advantage of this time.  Students are allowed one individual trip to the restroom per day during non-instructional times.  Any other times will result in the loss of a conduct point.

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