Thursday, May 23, 2013

One Last Note

Wow, the last day of school!  We made it!  Thinking back on our time together, there is so much to remember.  Students this year have become much more independent, fluent readers, multiplication masters, critical thinkers and problem solvers, and extraordinary young boys and girls.

Thank you for sharing your child with me.  I do not take that opportunity lightly and we have tried to make the most of every day we've been given this year.  This class has been so special to me, and I will always remember them fondly.  I hope that the students (and you too) will always hold a special place in their hearts for third grade.  So many wonderful friendships were made and deepened this year.  It has been my pleasure to watch your children mature into wonderful young people.

Parents, thank you so much for all of your hard work this year!  Please know that I realize each student's success  this year was intentional.  It was through their hard work, yes, but also due to an outpouring of the time and dedication you have shown your children.  Thank you for the countless hours spent reading nightly, drilling those multiplication facts, studying for tests, and so much more!  Your efforts did not pass by unnoticed.

Continue to read (and write) this summer, but also be sure to get out and have some fun, spend time together, and create some memories!  The days and weeks may be long at times, but the years are short for sure.

Have a wonderful summer, and I wish you all the best of luck!

Much love,
Mrs. Taff

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Field Day

Field Day was such a blast!  A big THANKS to Coach Blain, Harden, Nelson, and Taff for all of their hardwork to make the PCElympics so fantastic and such a wonderful, memorable event for our students!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Georgia Aquarium field trip

Yesterday we had our big third grade end of the year field trip to the Georgia Aquarium.  It was such a fun day!  You will be pleased and so proud to know that your children were EXTREMELY well behaved.  Even though I have been several times now to the aquarium, I love experiencing it again each year through the eyes of my students.  It's like seeing things for the first time again!

We saw whales, sharks, penguins, sting rays, sea stars, sea turtles, otters, dolphins, manta rays, countless species of fish, and more!!!

Isn't this a breath-taking sight?!

The Georgia Aquarium is so kid friendly, but great for This was such a fun field trip!  I still remember going to Atlanta with my fifth grade class (nearly 20 years ago!), and I hope that this will be a field trip the students remember for many, many years. : )

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A field trip and the Big Bad Wolf

Today we had the pleasure of attending the play, Big Bad, at Central High School.  The play was interactive and an interesting twist on the character of the Big, Bad Wolf.  The audience actually observed his trial and then as the jury, had to determine the wolf's guilt or innocence.

Central HS students did a terrific job and we really enjoyed our visit to the high school.

Students with the big, bad wolf after the performance.

The evil stepmother doesn't look nearly so evil with all of these sweet faces! : )

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Dress the Teacher

Today's PCElympic relay was dress the teacher, and we came in second place, earning a silver shoe! We had a blast at PE, and displayed our 'yellow' spirit all day long.

Third grade teachers after the relay!

Monday, May 13, 2013

PCElympic Opening Ceremonies

Today was the first day of the PCElympics!

It was an exciting day and will be such a fun week.  Opening ceremonies kicked things off with grade level floats, class banners, music, and plenty of Olympic spirit and pageantry.

We are Team Taff!

We even won a bronze medal in today's PE competition.  Check back each day this week for more exciting updates on how we are doing.

Let the games begin!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mothers Day

I hope today has been wonderful day for all of our wonderful moms!

Your kids are so lucky to have you!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

PCElympics --- Next Week!!!

The 3rd annual PCElympics are coming up the week of May 13-17.  We are trying to bring the Olympic spirit to PCES.  We will not have field day t-shirts this year.  Instead, we are asking the students and teachers to wear certain colors of the Olympic rings on certain days.

Monday the 13th - Wear a RED shirt
Tuesday the 14th - Wear a YELLOW shirt
Wednesday the 15th - Wear a BLUE shirt
Thursday the 16th - Wear a BLACK shirt
Friday the 17th - Wear a GREEN shirt

Your child will be involved in class competitions during their PE time every day.  They will compete against other classes in relays, tug-of-war, and other activities for a chance to win golden shoe trophies.

We will have our opening ceremonies Monday, May 13, at 8:30 a.m.  Each class will make a banner to be in hte parade, which will go around the school twice.  Students that are not involved in holding banners will sit along the outside of the hallway to watch the parade.

The closing ceremony will be Friday, May 17.  THIS EVENT IS FREE TO YOUR CHILD.  This is the day students look forward to the most.  We will have water slides, slip-n-slides, kiddy pools, soapy tug-of-war.  Snacks will be sold for $1 (popcorn, cotton candy, and snow cones) and we will also have a dunking booth this year.  Your child will have the opportunity to dunk a teacher or a coach!  The cost for the dunking booth will be 25 cents per throw.  Third grade closing ceremonies will last from 12:30-2:30 p.m.

As always, you are invited to watch your child compete in the events during their PE time.  You are also invited to come for the closing ceremonies and enjoy getting wet and have fun with your child!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Star Student

Congratulations to the April Star Student of the Month,


Favorite food – hot wings

Favorite color – pink

Favorite artists – Taylor Swift

Favorite T.V. show – Good Luck Charlie

Favorite book – Christmas books

Favorite thing to do – have fun!

Favorite subject – math

What she wants to be when she grows up – teacher

Favorite 3rd grade memory so far – making new friends