Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Friday, December 5, 2014

Box Tops for Education

Click here to help our school win a Box Tops for Education sweepstakes.  It will only take a few minutes of your time and you can enter us daily!
A few things you may need:
school number: 954277
address: 2307 South Railroad Street

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Corn Man

Today was one of my most favorite days - the corn man came!

Roasted ears of corn are delicious!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Christmas Happenings

1st, 3rd, and 5th grade parents are invited to attend Christmas dinner with their students!  It will be on Thursday, December 11.  Our class time will be from 12:05-12:45.  We would love to have you.
Also, Santa's Secret Shop is coming to our school.  This program makes it possible for children to experience the joy of choosing their own special holiday gifts for family and friends.  The shop will be set up in the library next week, December 8-12, and volunteers will help children select gifts.  Envelopes were sent home yesterday, providing students with what they need to purchase gifts.
Finally, our class Christmas party will be on Thursday, December 18.  More details will go home next week with students.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

We had a great night kicking off Thanksgiving holidays at Great-Skate tonight!
Thanks to everyone who came out to support our school and have a little fun too!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

GR8 SK8 Family Night

GR8 SK8 PCES Family Night
Tuesday, November 25
6-8 p.m.
$3.50 admission + skate rental (discounted at $1.50)
($5 per skater)
This is a school fundraising event.  A portion from each admission ticket goes to help support our school!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Classroom Spelling Bee

Congratulations to our classroom spelling bee winner, Jamya, and our alternate, Tyner!  They will represent our class in the school-wide spelling bee next month!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Iron Bowl Canned Food Drive

PCES will have an Iron Bowl canned food drive Monday, Nov. 17 - Friday, Nov. 21.  Students are asked to bring canned foods and place them in the Auburn or Alabama container that will be in the front lobby.  At the end of the week, whichever container has the most cans will be the winner.  All cans will be donated to Russell Baptist Association (located next to Central Baptist Church).  The food will be distributed throughout the community to families in need during the Thanksgiving holidays.  Thank you for your help!
(It goes without saying, but Mrs. Taff is a huge Auburn fan!)

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Happy Veterans Day

Thank you veterans for all you do and have done.  Your sacrifices and those of your family are greatly appreciated!
(photo from our recent field trip to Ft. Benning)

Monday, November 10, 2014

October Owl Star!

Meet Jamya, our October owl-star student of the month.  She was voted by her peers based on her outstanding character.  Get to know Jamya a little better....
Favorite food – rice
Favorite color – magenta
Favorite artists – Rihanna
Favorite T.V. show – Girl Meets World
Favorite book - Cinderella
Favorite thing to do - sing
Favorite subject – Reading
What she wants to be when she grows up - a popstar
Favorite 3rd grade memory so far – Fall Festival

Friday, November 7, 2014


Students recently gave their presentations on endangered animals.  Students worked with a partner to conduct research and create a power point presentation on one endangered animal.  The presentations were fantastic!  Great work, everyone!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Red Ribbon Week

We had a lot of fun with our Red Ribbon dressed up days!
Silly sock day

Team spirit day...War Eagle! : )
Our Thing 1/Thing 2 pumpkins were featured at the Central Activities Center.
We had great time dressing up on Halloween.
Mrs. Ray and Mrs. Kimmel even dressed up! : )

The coaches dressed up as Jake and the Neverland Pirates!
Ms. Robinson and I dressed as fairy princesses.

Third grade teachers

Friday, October 24, 2014

Fire/Weather Safety

The Russell County fire/weather safety house came to PCES.  Students were able to tour the house and gained valuable information on how to remain safe during severe weather, and during a house fire.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Pumpkin Parade

Our class teamed up with Ms. Robinson's class to create Thing 1 and Thing 2 for this year's PCES Pumpkin Parade!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Storm Team 9

This week our 3rd-5th graders had the pleasure of listening to a presentation by local meteorologist, Elisabeth D'Amore from WTVM Storm Team 9.
She shared with us about her job, pictures of severe weather, and shared severe weather safety tips with us all.  We learned so much!

Local Government

No, not THAT Phenix City Story!  The story of our city leaders and their roles in the community as it relates to the government.  This week, City Council member Gail Head and City Clerk Charlotte Sierra came to speak with PCES third graders about our local government.  They shared about how government works.  They also showed us an old Phenix City law book, the city budget, and even shared some old, unusual laws that existed here in Phenix City!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Veteran's Day Program

The third, fourth, and fifth grade students have the opportunity to participate in a Veteran's Day Program at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 13, 2014.  PCES students will perform various partriotic songs along with multiple speaking parts at the Central High School auditorium.  Students will be asked to wear either red, white, or blue shirts and transportation to and from the event will be provided by the parent.
If you have not signed the blue permission form that was sent home last week, please do so.  We need all of these signed and returned by Friday, October 10, so that we may begin rehearsals with those students who are able to participate in the program.
If you have any questions, please let me know.  Thank you!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Red Ribbon Week

National theme:  "Love Yourself.  Be Drug-Free."
Dress-up Days:
Thursday, Oct. 23 - "Put a Cap on Drugs" (wear your favorite cap)
Friday, Oct. 24 - "Sock it to Drugs" (wear silly socks)
Monday, Oct. 27 - "Team Up Against Drugs" (wear jersey, t-shirt, and/or team hat)
Tuesday, Oct. 28 - "United We Stand for a Drug-Free America" (wear red/white/blue)
Wednesday, Oct. 29 - "Drugs are Tacky" (tacky day)
Thursday, Oct. 30 - "I'm a Jean-ius. I'm Drug Free" (wear jeans)
Friday, Oct. 31 - "Drugs are Scarey" (dress in a child friendly costume)

Monday, October 6, 2014

Star Student

We voted last week to elect a new star student.  Jakila was chosen by her classmates based on her good character and sweet spirit.  Thank you for being an example, Jakila!
Favorite food – pizza
Favorite color – pink
Favorite artists Justin Bieber 
Favorite T.V. show Jessie 
Favorite book - Diary of a Wimpy Kid 
Favorite thing to do - play 
Favorite subject – Math
What she wants to be when she grows up - a nurse
Favorite 3rd grade memory so far – The first day of school!

Sunday, October 5, 2014


Last week we said good-bye to our intern, Ms. Somerlot.  She's been with us the past eight weeks and has taught us so much.  Thank you for all you've done, Ms. Somerlot!  Good luck to you on your next placement and in the future!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Farm City Poster Contest

Today information is being sent home on the annual Farm City poster contest.  I'm very excited about this.  It is something we participate in each year, and last year my class even had a winner!  We have such talented artists and creative minds; I'm anxious to see what the students come up with!
*Please note that posters need to be turned in in the classroom no later than Wednesday, October 22, so that they have time to be graded and sent to the office.  Thanks!
2014 Farm City Poster Contest
The Alabama Farm-City Poster, essay and multimedia theme for 2014 is “Agriculture: 365 Sunrises and 7 Billion Mouths to Feed”.
As the sun comes up on Alabama agriculture each day, we find farmers feeding cows, walking through chicken houses, working on farm machinery, planting crops, harvesting fields, greeting customers at the farmers market, watching the weather and praying for blessings from above.  But, if we look closer, we’ll also see them creating habitat for wildlife, protecting streams from erosion, helping neighbors, leading communities, teaching children and creating jobs for thousands in nearby towns and cities.
Each sunrise is a new opportunity for Alabama’s largest industry.  It’s a chance to explore new varieties and technologies; educate future generations about the land; and experience the joy of a hard day’s work, a perfectly ripe peach or a bumper crop.
For farmers, however, each day also brings responsibility and challenges.  Seven billion people worldwide depend on agriculture for sustenance, and the number is expected to reach 9 billion by 2050.  That means each farmer must not only continue feeding about 155 people, but he or she also must find ways to be more efficient and productive.
“Agriculture: 365 Sunrises and 7 Billion Mouths to Feed” reminds us that we should never take our food for granted.
The local contest is sponsored by the Russell County Farm-City Committee, Russell County Farmers Federation and the Russell County Extension office.  The state contest is sponsored by the Farm-City Committee of Alabama in cooperation with Alabama Ag in the Classroom and Alabama Farmers Cooperative.  More information is available online at www.AlfaFarmers.org, www.AlabamaAITC.org and www.AgEducate.org.
The 1st place winning poster will be sent to the state for competition there.  State winners will be featured in the Alabama Farm-City Committee’s 2016 Farm-City Calendar.
Eligibility and Rules
1.      Entry is open to all students in grades kindergarten through sixth grade and must be the original work of the student.
2.      There are two categories of competition: K-3 grades and 4-6 grades.  First, second and third place winners will be named in each category.
3.      Posters must relate to the theme.  The name of the theme must be on the poster.
4.      The size should be horizontal on poster board paper sized 28” x 22”.  Please use standard thickness poster paper. Vertical posters will not be considered.
5.      Any flat medium can be used (such as pen and pencil, crayon, watercolor, ink or oil).  No three-dimensional posters (such as gluing products on to a poster) will be eligible.
6.      Each student is required to complete the information form and attach it to each poster entry.
7.      All entries will be judged the first week of November.
8.      Criteria for judging include: creativity, originality, neatness, overall appearance and relevance to the theme.
9.      Deadline for entry is Friday, October 24, 2014.  1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will be notified by mail no later than Wednesday, November 12, 2014.  Award winners will be invited to the Russell County Farm-City Breakfast along with parents, family, teacher and principal.  They will be recognized during the breakfast.

Be A Champion Read Contest

The Alabama Education Association is proud to announce our 4th Annual Be A Champion and Read Contest. The goal of the program is to get students and parents excited about reading. What better way to do it in our state than getting Big Al and Aubie involved!
All K-8 students who read six books qualify to win a trip to the Iron Bowl with two guests, sideline passes, and pre-game activities.
Lucky teachers and librarians of participating schools are also eligible to win thousands of dollars for their classrooms and libraries. Roll Tide! War Eagle! Keep Reading!

Iron Bowl Tickets – The two winning students (one for Alabama and one for Auburn) and two guests will receive free tickets to the Iron Bowl! Each prize includes sideline passes and pre-game activities.
$500 – Seven participating teachers will be randomly drawn from all entries and will each win $500 for their classroom!
$2,000 – Two schools with at least 70 percent student participation will be randomly drawn and will win $2,000 for each of their libraries!
$500 – Two teachers and/or librarians who decorate bulletin boards, walls, or doors to promote the contest will each be eligible to win $500. Photo submissions will be accepted at myaea@alaedu.org until November 12, 2014. A panel of judges will choose the winners