Friday, August 29, 2014

It's Electrical!

We were featured on the Superintendent's blog for what's been going on in our classroom during our study of energy and electricity in Science!

Monday, August 25, 2014


We have been studying communities in Social Studies and Reading lately.  Last week students choose a community to write about and then created a collage to represent that type of community.

This week we are talking about how our traditions and customs can change our communities.

Friday, August 22, 2014


Dear Parents,

Multiplication is a HUGE part of third grade mathematics.  Our goal is for your student to become accurate and automatic with their facts, 0-12.  Mastery is vital to your child’s mathematical success.  Knowledge of these facts will affect them as they learn and work with decimals, division, fractions, word problems, and more!  I will give each student a multiplication chart with all of the facts, and we will be making flash cards most weeks in class - please practice these EVERY DAY!!!  You can take these cards with you and practice them wherever you go:  in the car, at the doctor, while cooking supper, before bed, during TV commercials, etc.

We will be working on 1 set per week (EXCEPTION:  0s and 1s will test together, 10s and 11s will test together).  The students will take timed tests daily.  These will not count as a grade.  Every FRIDAY we will take a timed test that will be graded.  Students will have 2 minutes to complete about 30-33 problems.  We will go in order (beginning with 0s and 1s), through the facts, but you can keep up with which facts we are on in the planners, on our newsletter, and on the blog.

Later this year, students will be introduced to and required to complete a math program on the computer called Math Facts in a Flash.  This is timed multiplication drills.  Throughout the year, students will have time in class to work on this.

In the spring, all students who have mastered their facts, 0-12, will be invited to an ice cream party!  Thanks for helping us work on this, and all of your support

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Study Island FAQ

The following information went home in today's graded papers.  Study Island is a tool we will be using throughout the year, and will account for a portion of your child's reading grade.

What is Study Island?

·         Study Island is an all online product designed to help your child master the standards specific to his or her grade level in your state.


Fast Facts:

·         Every student has his/her own username and password.

·         The program is divided into sections based on subject.

·         Each subject is made up of topics, each of which corresponds to a specific state standard.

·         Each topic contains lessons, practice questions and explanations.

·         Most topics are accompanied by a lesson which includes some brief information about the material covered by the questions in the topic.

·         Your child can also incorporate games into their studies while on Study Island, if the school allows.


How do I log in to Study Island?

·         Go to and enter your username and password.

How does my child use Study Island?

·         After signing in on Study Island’s home page, click the subject tab on which you wish to work or check your student’s class page for assignments created by your child’s teacher.

·         To pass a topic, your child must satisfy the topic’s passing goal which is based on a minimum number of questions answered and a minimum percentage correct. A blue ribbon is displayed next to all passed topics.

·         Once your child has passed all of the topics in the subject, he or she will have to pass the Post Test for the subject. Ignore this step if the subject has no Post Test.

·         Once your child passes all topics in all sections, he has completed the Study Island program.


How do I monitor my child’s progress?

·         Log in to Study Island with your student’s username and password.

·         Click on My Reports.

·         Click on a report and select the appropriate grade level.



Monday, August 4, 2014

A New Year-Come Sneak a Peek!

Can you believe it's already that time of year?  I hope you've all had a fantastic summer.  This year is going to be great; I am so excited!

Come see where all the learning will take place this year.

Small group area

Just waiting on some wonderful work to display!