Friday, September 26, 2014

Fall Festival

Attention Parents:
We are planning ot celebrate with our annual Fall Festival October 31, 2014.  We will enjoy an afternoon of fun, food, games, blow-ups, and more.  Our fun will last from 10:30-12:00 for pre-k - 2nd grade, and from 12:30-2:00 for 3rd-5th grade on the track besides PCES.  Be sure to make plans to come out and join us.
Admission for the event will be $5.00.  Money can be sent to your student's teacher beginning September 29.  The admission will allow your child access to the blow ups and games that we will have.  Students will need additional money to purchase tickets for the food items that will be on sale, as well as for the crafts that will be available for them to do.  Tickets are $0.50 each, and will be on sale the day of the festival.
Students will be allowed to wear their costumes for the Fall Festival this year.  However, costumes are to be fun and NOT scary or gory.  In addition, students will not be allowed to wear masks for safety reasons.
In order for our Fall Festival to be a success we need your help.  Please donate bags of candy and/or volunteer your time.  On the day of the event, we will need help setting up and operating games, and help ensuring that our students have a fun, safe environment.  We need volunteers during the day!
Thanks for your help.  This is going to be a blast!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Columbus/Phenix City - Enjoy the City! coupon books

Coupon books are being sent home today with students.  Each book is only $20.  Not only does our school benefit from these sales, but the book pays for itself after only 1-2 uses.  Also, for every 5 books you sell, you earn 1 free book!
Please remember, this is not meant to be a door to door sale.  Students are to simply sell to family members, friends, and close neighbors.
The funds generated from your support will be used for student recognition, which will directly be of benefit to your student.  If every student at PCES sells just 1 book, PCES will earn over $7,000!!!
All orders are due no later than Wednesday, October 8, 2014.  We are providing you a sample coupon book to show family and friends.  This sample book must also be returned to the school by October 8th.  Any sample books not returned by this date will be charged to the school, and this will directly impact all students.
Thank you for supporting our students!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Landmarks and Monuments Presentations

Students presented their research projects on landmarks and monuments last Friday.  The presentations were all AWESOME!  Students' research was thorough, presentations were creative, and they handled speaking in front of a crowd so well.  I was one proud teacher!  Students are already when we will do this again!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Timelines Project

In Social Studies, we have been studying timelines.  We are learning about our past, present and future.  For this project, your child needs to make a timeline depicting their life.  There should be one event for each year of their life.  They should start with their birth and proceed with each year thereafter.  Some examples that can be included are birthdays, special vacations, births of siblings, or engaging in something (sports, music or awards).  However, it is not limited to these. 
Students are to write the date and above the date they should write something about the event and why it is special.  Students can use actual photographs of these events, draw a picture, or use a picture from a magazine. In other words-be creative! They will have to give an oral presentation to the class explaining their timeline.  (All projects will be returned after they are displayed.)  
For examples of a timeline, please see your Reading Writing Workshop book pages 378-379. Timelines can also be found on pages 70-71 and 108-109 in your student’s social studies book.
A rubric with scoring guidelines was also sent home with each student.  Make this a fun project for you and your child, a time to share with him/her events that were special to you and to them.  This will be a time to reminisce about the past. They grow up so quickly.
Timelines are due on or before Monday, September 22, 2014!

Thursday, September 11, 2014


Parents, information went home this week about yearbooks.
The cost between now and December 21 is only $18.  After that, the price goes up by $5.  You can send in cash or check (just be sure to make it out to PCES and include your drivers license number).
If you order online by October 3, you can personalize your yearbook with up to four free icons.
CLICK HERE to order your yearbook!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Experimenting with Light

Earlier this week, students discussed light energy, and then experimented to see if various objects were opaque, translucent, or transparent.  They were given flashlights and had to determine if light passed through aluminum foil, plastic bag, paper bag, felt, plastic cup, and tracing paper.  Students then classified the objects as opaque, translucent, or transparent.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

August Owl Star of the Month

Students voted to choose a star student of the month.  Before voting, students were encouraged to choose someone who has been a good citizen all month long, a good friend to all, has a positive attitude, and is respectful to all.
Meet the August Star Student of the Month!
Favorite food – olives
Favorite color – black
Favorite artists my mom
Favorite T.V. show Sponge Bob
Favorite book - Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Favorite thing to do - read
Favorite subject – Reading
What she wants to be when she grows up - a pediatrician
Favorite 3rd grade memory so far – Learning about different states

Monday, September 8, 2014

Grandparents Day

Friday we celebrated Grandparents Day by honoring our grandparents at lunch.  Thanks for coming to eat with us, I know it meant a lot to the kids.  We'd love to have you back again soon!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Red Devil Pride

Today students wore red to show their Red Devil pride.
Go Red Devils!  Beat Auburn!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Word Workout - Wonders Unit 1.4

Word Workout
Words to Know

Let’s try to think of an invention that has made a big difference in our lives. We can use these words to talk about it.







Spelling Words

I’ll make a list of the words with the long a vowel sound, but I’ll leave out the vowels in each word. You can fill in the missing vowels. Then we will look at the list together to see how many words you completed correctly and read the words aloud.

sway plain state braid weigh
fail grain snail stay fake
tray paint gray they same
Challenge: Review:

sleigh fine

afraid skate
