Sunday, September 2, 2012

the Garden

I hope you are enjoying your weekend.  I can't believe we've already completed two weeks of school.  Before you know it, it will be Christmas!

But let's not get ahead of ourselves.  In conjunction with our Science unit on plants, we now have a plot in the PCES Garden!  We teamed up with Ms. Robinson's class, and decided to have a little friendly competition, boys vs. girls.  We are going to see who's garden produces the better crop.

On Friday afternoon we went out to the garden and pulled weeds.  They were out of control from not receiving any attention over the summer.  Although there were some weeds taller than some of our kids (yikes, I know!), our students took care of those in no time!

Afterwards, we watered and tilled the soil a bit, and then planted early Alaskan snow peas.

Hopefully before too long we will be enjoying the fruit (or vegetable) of our labor!

We'll be in the garden a few times a week, checking on our peas, and making sure that this heat doesn't damage the seeds.  Check back in the coming weeks for more progress!

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