Thursday, October 4, 2012

Personal Timeline Project

Students went home yesterday with a handout in their binder about the upcoming timeline project.

Personal time lines are due on Thursday, October 11, 2012.

Please see the handout for specifics (you may also consult the Reading book, pages 186-187), but I do want to point out a few things:

*Timelines should begin with the student's birth.
*There should be one event for every year of the student's life (if they are 8 they will have 8 events).
*Timelines should be presented in chronological order.
*Make sure that there is an actual line drawn (you'd be surprised things that people forget!).
*Make sure all handwriting is neat, sentences complete, and mechanics followed.
*Be sure to include a photograph or illustration for each event.
*Remember, this is a STUDENT project.  As parents, sometimes we get a little antsy in our desires to help.  Helping is great and encouraged, but please make sure the students put in the work.  : )

Be sure that you don't forget about this project with the Fall Break that is ahead!  : )
(Science, chapter 3 tests will be on Thursday, 10/11/12.)

Let me know if you have ANY questions.  Thanks!

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