Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Weekly Update

Parents, a few reminders:

Weather Journal:  Students should be writing an entry per note on their weather journal, detailing the days weather.  This is a test grade and a writing grade.  This coincides with our study of Earth's Atmosphere in Science (chapter 8).  Please be sure your student is not forgetting!

Library:  After weeks of book fair and recarpeting and rearranging in the library, they are finally back open and students can check out books!  Some students have not brought back their library books in quite some time.  Please make sure they are reading nightly, taking AR tests, and checking out new books in the library!

Tic Tac Toe:  We have quite a few students who have fallen very far behind in tic tac toe.  This is a weekly Spelling homework assignment.  Lesson 25 is due this Friday.  Any student who has not turned in tic tac toe this nine weeks currently has a 0 and has lost conduct points.  I will accept late work and will change the grade once the assignment has been completed.

Please be sure you are staying on top of your child to get homework completed each night.  Many students seem to be getting 'spring fever', but we have much more to accomplish this school year! : )

Thanks for your understanding and partnership!

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