Friday, August 30, 2013

Coupon Books

Parents, yesterday we sent home Enjoy the City coupon books.  This is one of the very few fundraisers our school participates in.  Not only are you helping our school to raise money, but these coupon books are really great investments.  If used, they can save you a lot of money!  : )

Here's what you can do:
*Show the sample book to family and friends.  They cost $20.
*Collect the money from those who wish to purchase, and take their name down, but don't give your book away yet.
*Send money in daily to the school.  I will collect it and get you a receipt.
*The last day to turn in coupon book sales money is September 9.  Books will be delivered no later than September 12.

If you choose not to participate, please return the sample book back to the school.

*For every 5 books a student sells, the parents earn a free book!
*Every student who sells 5 books gets an extra 30 minutes of PE!
*The top seller from each class gets to come to a pizza party where we draw for $50!
*The top selling class gets an ice cream party!

Let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks for your help in this endeavor!

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