Monday, September 30, 2013

Study Island

Many of you have asked for a resource to use at home, and Study Island is a great one!  It covers Reading, Math, and Science topics, however, I currently am only assigning Reading topics (which are also graded!).

Each student has a log in and a password (written in the front cover of their planners).  Just visit Study Island and get started!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

United Way & Picture Day

Tomorrow is hat day!  For $1 students may wear a hat.  All proceeds go to support the local United Way!

Monday, September 23rd, is fall picture day!  Wear something nice (your smile!).

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

September 11th

Today in Social Studies we spent a few minutes reflecting on what it means to be an American and remembering September 11th.

Students were assigned homework last night to interview a family member and record their thoughts and reflections from 12 years ago.  Students then volunteered to share their interviews with the class!

This was such a neat experience for us all.  We learned more about classmates who's parents serve our country.  Even one who's father missed the birth of a younger sibling because of deployment!  We also heard stories of parents who decided to join the armed forces after that day.

One thing we noticed was that there were many feelings of sadness, fright, and confusion from that day.

Thank you for allowing your student to share your stories with us!  We were all so touched.  And to those of you who serve or have served, THANK YOU!

Monday, September 9, 2013

A Few Reminders

If you have not returned coupon books please do so ASAP!  They were due today.

Fall Festival information went home today.  The annual PCES Fall Festival will be on October 4, 2013, from 12-3 pm on the track beside PCES.  The afternoon will be full of fun, food, games, blow-ups, and more!

Wrist bands have gone on sale.  They are $7 each, and will allow your child acces to all of the planned events.  Students will need additional money to purchase food items and if they wish to complete a craft project.

Parents, we are also accepting donations of individually wrapped candy as well as those of you who wish to donate your time on the day of the event.  We will need volunteers to help set up and operate the games, work the concession stand, and help ensure that our students have a fun, safe environment.

Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to volunteer!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

August Star Student

Each month, at the end of the month, our students have the opportunity to vote for the Star Student of the Month.  This classroom award is based on citizenship.  Students were instructed to vote for the person who has been kind, respectful, had good manners, and shown an interest in their classmates.

The star student for the month of August is.....


Here are a few fun facts about Cole:
Favorite food – chicken

Favorite color – blue

Favorite T.V. show – Regular Show

Favorite thing to do – jump on the trampoline

Favorite subject – Science

What he wants to be when she grows up – Doesn't know yet!

Favorite 3rd grade memory so far – Making new friends!

Congratulations, Cole!  Check back next month for another featured student.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Box Tops for Education

Box Tops for Education is a national school earnings program that has been around since 1996.  Since then, schools across the country have earned over half a billion dollars from Box Tops to buy whatever they need.

Our school's goal this year is to earn $2,000.  We can easily achieve this with your help!

Clip Box Tops, found on hundreds of products, and send them to the school.  Each Box Top is worth 10 cents for our schoool!

Thanks for your support in helping to make PCES great!