Wednesday, September 11, 2013

September 11th

Today in Social Studies we spent a few minutes reflecting on what it means to be an American and remembering September 11th.

Students were assigned homework last night to interview a family member and record their thoughts and reflections from 12 years ago.  Students then volunteered to share their interviews with the class!

This was such a neat experience for us all.  We learned more about classmates who's parents serve our country.  Even one who's father missed the birth of a younger sibling because of deployment!  We also heard stories of parents who decided to join the armed forces after that day.

One thing we noticed was that there were many feelings of sadness, fright, and confusion from that day.

Thank you for allowing your student to share your stories with us!  We were all so touched.  And to those of you who serve or have served, THANK YOU!

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