Tuesday, November 26, 2013


I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving, full of time with family and time spent counting your blessings.

I am very thankful for each of my students and the wonderful families they represent.  I am grateful for my time spent with your kids each day.  They are wonderful, creative, smart individuals and are a blessing to me each day!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Dinner and a Movie

Dear Parents,

We want to give you a chance to do some Christmas shopping, go on a date, or have a peaceful evening to yourself.  On Friday, December 6 from 4-8 pm we will have "Dinner and a Movie" at PCES.  Your child will stay at school at the end of the day and enjoy playing outside, pizza, drinks, and a movie (G rated).  We will also have a variety of snacks for sale for $0.50.  The Central High School boys and girls soccer teams will be there as well to help with the activities.

The cost of the "Dinner and a Movie" will be $10 per child.  That's an average of less than $3/hour and I guarantee you can't find that rate anywhere else!  Proceeds will go towards instructional tools for PCES and towards helping the boys and girls soccer teams buy new jerseys for their upcoming season.  The pizza and drinks will be provided, while there will also be other snacks for sale.

If you are paying by check, please make it out to Phenix City Elementary School.  All money must be turned in to Coach Taff by Wednesday, December 4 with the bottom of the letter that was sent home with your students today.

Thank you for your support!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Turkey Feathers

PCES is raising money for Relay for Life, and having a little friendly competition between classes.  Each class has a turkey body hanging in the lunchroom.  We are selling turkey feathers for $0.25 each.  Students then get to decorate their turkey feather and hang it on our class' turkey.  The class with the most feathers by Wednesday, Nov. 20, wins an extra hour of P.E. time!

Help our class raise money for a great cause, as well as beat the other classes - bring in those quarters!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Student Presentations

For the past week, students have been working in groups to research and create powerpoints on endangered animals.  This was our second time doing powerpoint presentations this school year, and WOW!  The students really outdid themselves.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Little White House field trip

On Friday we took our first field trip of the year and traveled to Warm Springs, Georgia, to FDR's Little White House.

One of FDR's many cars.

One of the swimsuits that FDR wore while swimming in the warm springs.

FDR would take the train from Washington to Georgia, and then would drive himself to his cottage.  This was one of his cars that he designed himself.  It was equipped with special hand brakes and controls, that he designed himself, since he was unable to use his legs.

One of the wheelchairs and sets of leg braces FDR used while in Warm Springs.

Students learned all about FDR and his battle with polio, which led him to make more than 40 trips (sometimes for weeks at a time) to Warm Springs, Georgia, while serving as president.  We also learned about many of the great things that President Roosevelt did for the country throughout his presidency.

The Little White House

I don't know about the kids, but I was blown away that one of the most powerful men in the world in the 1930s-1940s, with access to luxury and anything he could have wanted, and who sat with the likes of Stalin and Churchill, lived in such simplicity!

President Roosevelt's bed

All of the furnishings in the house were kept exactly as they were when FDR was here.

The kids were highly amused by the toilet and the BROWN (aged) toilet paper on the roll.

First Lady, Eleanor's, bedroom.

Our class

The Unfinished Portrait
 This was the portrait that FDR was sitting for when he had his stroke that led to his death.  The artist choose to leave it as it was when the president became ill.

Thanks to all the parents that went with us, and for allowing your students to go and experience such history in our own little corner of the world!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Star Student

Students voted at the end of October for another star student.  This month's good citizen award goes to, Kaylee!  Congratulations!

Favorite food – pizza

Favorite color – black

Favorite artists – Selena Gomez

Favorite T.V. show – Wizards of Waverly Place

Favorite book – Berenstain Bears books

Favorite thing to do – flips

Favorite subject – writing

What she wants to be when she grows up – teacher

Favorite 3rd grade memory so far – Science

Friday, November 1, 2013

Parenting Day

A big THANK YOU to the parents who came yesterday for Parenting Day.  I know the kids loved having you in our room for part of the day.

We made Scarecrow Crunch.  This was a real-life examples of fractions and following a recipe.  This was also a good introduction to our study of measurement and capacity that we will be beginning in Math on Monday.

Scarecrow Crunch
2 cups Chex cereal
1 1/2 cups tiny twist pretzels
1/2 bag pumpkin candy
3/4 cup peanut butter chips
1 box caramel popcorn
1 1/2 cups chocolate Teddy Grahams
*In a large bowl, combine all ingredients well.