Saturday, November 9, 2013

Little White House field trip

On Friday we took our first field trip of the year and traveled to Warm Springs, Georgia, to FDR's Little White House.

One of FDR's many cars.

One of the swimsuits that FDR wore while swimming in the warm springs.

FDR would take the train from Washington to Georgia, and then would drive himself to his cottage.  This was one of his cars that he designed himself.  It was equipped with special hand brakes and controls, that he designed himself, since he was unable to use his legs.

One of the wheelchairs and sets of leg braces FDR used while in Warm Springs.

Students learned all about FDR and his battle with polio, which led him to make more than 40 trips (sometimes for weeks at a time) to Warm Springs, Georgia, while serving as president.  We also learned about many of the great things that President Roosevelt did for the country throughout his presidency.

The Little White House

I don't know about the kids, but I was blown away that one of the most powerful men in the world in the 1930s-1940s, with access to luxury and anything he could have wanted, and who sat with the likes of Stalin and Churchill, lived in such simplicity!

President Roosevelt's bed

All of the furnishings in the house were kept exactly as they were when FDR was here.

The kids were highly amused by the toilet and the BROWN (aged) toilet paper on the roll.

First Lady, Eleanor's, bedroom.

Our class

The Unfinished Portrait
 This was the portrait that FDR was sitting for when he had his stroke that led to his death.  The artist choose to leave it as it was when the president became ill.

Thanks to all the parents that went with us, and for allowing your students to go and experience such history in our own little corner of the world!

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