Saturday, September 12, 2015

Team Teaching

Check out our new TEAM BLOG to see updates of what is happening in the 3rd grade this year!  You can keep up with me there this year.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Welcome Back!

Wow, what a whirlwind this school year has been already!  We hit the ground running from day one, and I realized I've neglected my blog.  I promise to do better, because I want to be able to show you the awesome things that are happening in third grade math.  Departmentalization in third grade is something new for all of us, but we're excited for the challenge and anticipating all the greatness this year will bring.

In case you haven't gotten a chance to stop in, here is a view inside our room.

We're doing so many good things in Math.  I can't wait to see where the year takes us.

iPad for imPact

Hi Friends, 

I want to make sure my students have the materials they need to succeed, so I just created a request for my classroom at 

Consider partnering with us this year and making 2015-16 one awesome school year!  Thank you!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

All About Those (audio) Books

Hi Friends, 

I want to make sure my students have the materials they need to succeed, so I just created a request for my classroom at 

All About Those (Audio) Books 

Give to my classroom by July 5, 2015 and your donation will be doubled thanks to Just enter the code SPARK on the payment page and you'll be matched dollar for dollar (up to $100). 

If you chip in to help my students, you'll get awesome photos and our heartfelt thanks. 

Thanks so much, 

P.S. If you know anyone who may want to help my classroom, please pass this along! 

Thursday, May 21, 2015

A Final Few Thoughts...

Wow, the last day of school!  We made it!  Thinking back on our time together, there is so much to remember.  Students this year have become much more independent, fluent readers, multiplication masters, critical thinkers and problem solvers, and extraordinary young boys and girls.

Thank you for sharing your child with me.  I do not take that opportunity lightly and we have tried to make the most of every day we've been given this year.  This class has been so special to me, and I will always remember them fondly.  I hope that the students (and you too) will always hold a special place in their hearts for third grade.  So many wonderful friendships were made and deepened this year.  It has been my pleasure to watch your children mature into wonderful young people.

Parents, thank you so much for all of your hard work this year!  Please know that I realize each student's success  this year was intentional.  It was through their hard work, yes, but also due to an outpouring of the time and dedication you have shown your children.  Thank you for the countless hours spent reading nightly, drilling those multiplication facts, studying for tests, and so much more!  Your efforts did not pass by unnoticed.

Continue to read (and write) this summer, but also be sure to get out and have some fun, spend time together, and create some memories!  The days and weeks may be long at times, but the years are short for sure.

Have a wonderful summer, and I wish you all the best of luck!

Much love,
Mrs. Taff

PCElympic Highlight Video

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Donors Choose

Hi Friends,

I want to make sure my students have the materials they need to succeed, so I just created a request for my classroom at

Time is running out.  Our Donors Choose project will expire soon!

If you chip in to help my students, you'll get awesome photos and our heartfelt thanks.

Thanks so much,
Mrs. Taff

P.S. If you know anyone who may want to help my classroom, please pass this along!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Thanks a Billion

Target started their "Thanks a Billion" Teacher Appreciation Campaign last week. Through this campaign, Target will donate up to $25,000 per participating school until their goal of $5 million is reached. We, along with parents, friends, and loved ones, can help earn money for PCES by following a few simple steps. Per Target's terms and conditions for this campaign, you must have a Facebook page to participate.  

For each "Thank You" written and submitted through the "Thanks a Billion" site, Target will donate $25 to our school. You can write as many thank you notes as you want, but the first note is the only one that will provide a donation. 

Please follow these steps to write a thank you note and get a $25 donation for PCES:
1. visit this link may not work on our school computers since it has a fb access
2. select the "log in with Facebook" button
3. it will then ask for the site to have access to your FB will need to select ok to continue
4. search for our school by zip code - 36867
5. select Phenix City Elementary School
6. write a short thank you note - you can write it to a specific teacher or just a general note to the staff
7. use the hashtag #thanksabillion in your note (you can add it to the end)
8. submit 

This campaign ends June 15. Please encourage your family and friends with a facebook page to submit a thank you note for our school. 

If you would like more information about this campaign, please visit

Area and Perimeter

Who says there isn't work to be done these last few days!?
We're working on determining area and perimeter using the square tiles in the halls!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Field Day

PCElympics ended with a water day down on the track!  Threats of rain loomed, but it turned out quite nicely.  Lots of clouds kept the temperature down.


PCElympics week.  One of my favorite weeks all year long!
Opening ceremonies...

Let the games begin!

Tug of War champs!  Undefeated!

We finished the week with a gold shoe, two bronze shoes, the spirit stick (twice!), and the golden rope!  Awesome job, Team Taff!!!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Kindle Fire

Congratulations to Jakila!!!  She was the winner of the 3rd grade Kindle Fire competition.  She won a drawing based off of AR tests passed with 85% and above.  Overall for the year, Jakila has maintained an average of 90% and has earned 192.1 points!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Science Fair

We recently had our 2015 Science Fair.  Third graders were required to complete a class project.  We chose to investigate how color affects taste.  We test-tasted several different colors of juices and predicted their flavor.  In actuality, they were all apple juice (some with a few drops of food coloring added!).

Monday, May 11, 2015

Atlanta field trip

The third grade Atlanta field trip was a blast!  We started off with a trip to the King Center.  We saw Ebenezer Baptist Church, where Dr. King attended and preached, as well as his home!

On the steps of the King home.

After that it was a quick stop by Centennial Park for a picnic lunch before heading off to the aquarium!

These jelly fish are my favorite!  (Picture unedited.)

Fishy faces!!

No matter how many times I've been, it never gets old!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day to all our wonderful moms, and those who play the part of mom!  You are loved and appreciated, and raising wonderful children!