Thursday, May 21, 2015

A Final Few Thoughts...

Wow, the last day of school!  We made it!  Thinking back on our time together, there is so much to remember.  Students this year have become much more independent, fluent readers, multiplication masters, critical thinkers and problem solvers, and extraordinary young boys and girls.

Thank you for sharing your child with me.  I do not take that opportunity lightly and we have tried to make the most of every day we've been given this year.  This class has been so special to me, and I will always remember them fondly.  I hope that the students (and you too) will always hold a special place in their hearts for third grade.  So many wonderful friendships were made and deepened this year.  It has been my pleasure to watch your children mature into wonderful young people.

Parents, thank you so much for all of your hard work this year!  Please know that I realize each student's success  this year was intentional.  It was through their hard work, yes, but also due to an outpouring of the time and dedication you have shown your children.  Thank you for the countless hours spent reading nightly, drilling those multiplication facts, studying for tests, and so much more!  Your efforts did not pass by unnoticed.

Continue to read (and write) this summer, but also be sure to get out and have some fun, spend time together, and create some memories!  The days and weeks may be long at times, but the years are short for sure.

Have a wonderful summer, and I wish you all the best of luck!

Much love,
Mrs. Taff

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