Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Good Eats

A few delicious events coming up....
Stone Soup - Friday, January 9
As you know, one of our reading stories this week is The Real Story of Stone Soup.  We will also be reading different versions of this folktale.  This is a folktale of three travelers who come upon a village.  In order to build community and to teach the lesson that sharing can bring happiness, the travelers begin to make a stone soup in which the whole community contributes ingredients.  As a follow-up activity and keeping in sync with the theme of the story, our class will be making our own version of stone soup on Friday, January 9.  In order to do so, each child should bring one ingredient (see the paper sent home today, or just bring something to share) to contribute to our soup.  If this will indeed be a hardship for you, please do not feel obligated.  Your child may bring their ingredient in anytime between now and Friday.
Thursday, January 19, 2015 - 9 AM - PCES Cafeteria
Speaker:  Mayor Eddie Lowe
"Fatherhood is a Commitment:  Be There"

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