Monday, February 3, 2014

Atlanta Aquarium Field Trip

Dear Parents,

The third grade is planning our yearly trip to Atlanta.  We have tentatively set the date for Friday, May 16, 2014.

This year, we are planning on going to the Georgia Aquarium at Pemberton Place in Atlanta.  The Georgia Aquarium opened in November 2005, as the world's largest aquarium.  With 8 million gallons of fresh and marine water, and more than 100,000 animals representing 500 species from around the globe, we're sure to see things we've never seen before!

We have estimated the cost (admission/transportation) to be $45 per student.

We realize that this sounds expensive.  This is why we will provide the opportunity for you to pay as you can, provided that ALL MONEY MUST BE TURNED IN NO LATER THAN APRIL 11, 2014.

This is an invaluable opportunity to help enhance and expand your child's knowledge in the areas of Science and Social Studies.

In order to reserve our place at the aquarium on May 16 we need to know if you plan on allowing your child to attend.  Parents are welcome to accompany us on this trip.  The cost for adults will be $55 (including transportation and admission), and is also due by April 11, 2014.

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